April 23, 2018

Who can Start a Lawsuit? Who can be Sued?

Who can start a lawsuit? To put it simply, anyone in Ontario can start a lawsuit. This would include, corporations, individuals, governments and organizations. If you are under the age […]
April 20, 2018
A top-down view image of a calculator on a white table. To the right of the calculator is a notepad with a pen on top of it. To the left of the calculator, there is a small succulent in a pot. Below the calculator is a stack of US one-hundred dollar bills.

Understanding Estate Administration Taxes

Estate administration taxes are charged on the total value of the deceased’s estate. Estate administration taxes, formerly known as probate fees, is charged on the total value of the deceased’s […]
April 19, 2018

Summary Judgment in Will Challenge Proceedings

A summary judgment motion is a mechanism whereby a party to any civil litigation can request the disposition of the litigation on a summary basis, prior to (and sometimes well […]